Instant replay in sports (3)
Jul 28, 2011
I think the question regarding instant replay in sports is not if it'll become more widely used, but how it'll be implemented. There's no doubt that human referees make mistakes. It's perhaps a little naive to think a mere mortal can make an important split-second decision while under immense financial and spectatorial pressure, and to do so flawlessly, every time. I think we should accept that fact and do something about it instead of getting angry and blaming the refs for bad calls. The way the NFL currently uses instant replay is a little annoying at times, and certain coaches appear to use it as a momentum-stopping tactic, which is smart but not what it's there for. But at least it's there as an option to challenge the calls that are the most obviously wrong. My prediction is that most, if not all, sports will soon adopt some sort of instant replay. Or else they'll start utilizing error-proof robotic refs. One or the other. Because honestly, something like the strike zone in baseball is a scientifically measurable thing. Nothing that's measurable should ever be left up to the opinion of a lowly human. #sports
Sweat like a pig
Jul 28, 2011
You can't sweat like a pig, since pigs don't sweat. That's why they wallow in mud. #nature
Candle through a barn door
Jul 26, 2011
As Ripley's says, a musket can fire a wax candle through a barn door. This video confirms it. Ah, the wonders of kinetic energy. Pretty much anything can be shot through pretty much anything if it's going fast enough. #science
Pictures of feelings
Jul 26, 2011
Concerning the Women's World Cup (of soccer) and its sudden popularity: Now that they've gotten all this attention ... they're gonna start behaving more like men. For example, US Soccer team captain Christie Rampone was busted for texting pictures of her feelings to a young intern. Well played, Peter Sagal. Also of note: Honestly, the only way it seems to make Americans care less about soccer is to offer them a free salad for watching a game. Yay, fatness! #sports
On the debt ceiling
Jul 21, 2011
From The Onion: Congress Continues Debate Over Whether Or Not Nation Should Be Economically Ruined
"It is a question that, I think, is worthy of serious consideration: Should we take steps to avoid a crippling, decades-long depression that would lead to disastrous consequences on a worldwide scale? Or should we not do that?" asked House Majority Leader Eric Cantor.
At press time, President Obama said he personally believed the country should not be economically ruined. Certainly an issue worthy of debate. #politics
Sports head injuries
Jul 21, 2011
For a while now, there's been almost constant news coverage of head injuries in sports and the long term effects suffered by football players and other contact sports athletes. Most of the discussion is centered around how older players are experiencing brain issues that they didn't anticipate, or simply dying young. I think it would be wise to pause for a moment, stop the lawyer talk and even the scientist talk, and look at this logically: If you spend the majority of your life getting hit on the head or using your head to hit things, you will experience long term head injury effects like dementia, migraines, depression, etc. To be surprised by this is not really an option. #sports
Language limitations of search (4)
Jul 19, 2011
One bad thing about how big the internet has gotten is that it's sometimes impossible to find things. Not in an unorganized way, like you're trying to find something in the middle of a pile. But in a language limitation kind of way. For example, recently I was looking for pictures of mice. I wanted the animal, not the computer peripheral. For whatever reason, Google didn't want to show me the animal. So I wasted a few minutes sifting through pictures of plastic white objects with buttons, before finally giving up and doing something else. The problem isn't that the information doesn't exist, or that the algorithms used to find it are lacking. It's that the English language isn't complex enough to handle what we're throwing at it. It's like putting a CD on a record player. #technology
Conversation of complaints
Jul 19, 2011
I heard a guy say the other day that complaining is the simplest form of conversation. I thought that was pretty interesting, except that he said it in reference to his girlfriend who was complaining about the traffic on the way to the BBQ we were all at, so it was a little awkward. He hasn't yet learned the art of "not saying dumb things to your girlfriend." #sociology
Catism vs. dogism (1)
Jul 18, 2011
If "racism" is defined as discrimination based on race, I propose to define the words "catism" and "dogism" as discrimination based on being a cat or a dog, respectively.
I think it's interesting that people find it perfectly acceptable to express their utter hatred of my pet felines, while it's deemed "insensitive" or "uncaring" for me to say anything negative regarding pet canines. People routinely come to my house, see my cats, and say things like, "I hate cats," or "If that cat scratches me, I'll rip it in half." But if I happen to make an offhand remark about how someone's dog is ruining the Super Bowl party by sticking its nose in everyone's crotch and barking its head off every time there's an exciting play, everyone's all like, "He's a dog; he can't help it," or "But he's like family," or "If you badmouth my dog, I'll rip you in half." All I'm saying is that (1) dogs are idiots, though lovable fun idiots, and (2) perhaps we can practice equality in how we verbally abuse each other's pets. If we allow catism, we must also allow dogism.
Related: Rabbits as food #nature
Sympathy vs. empathy
Jul 18, 2011
For future reference: Sympathy is understanding another person's feelings; empathy is feeling another person's feelings. #psychology