I've come to the conclusion that the best temperature anything can ever be is "just under 70".  I just walked outside.  It was in the mid 90s.  It might as well be a million degrees.  It felt like my skin was melting.  So then I walked inside.  It's about 68.  That's what I'm talking about. 

But during the winter, 68 is a little too cold.  Therefore, the ideal year-round temperature is 69 (shut up Jared Simpson).  I've noticed that large buildings and companies haven't quite figured out how to keep a comfortable working environment.  All winter, it was about 66 degrees in my office/lab.  And it's not because they can't afford to heat the place.  It's because it's air conditioned down to 66.  I can hear the AC running.  I asked them to turn it down a bit, and they said, "You have to be careful what you ask for.  If we turn it down, it gets unbearably hot, and then you'll be complaining about that."  So there you have it.  What's dumb about this is the fact that I know how a thermostat works.  Most people do.  In my experience, there's usually a setting for 65, 70, 75, etc. and everything in between.  Wouldn't you think they could change the setting just a little bit so that it reads "69" instead of "66"?  I'm no genius.  But this seems like a logical thing to me.  If I ever find out where they keep this magical temperature device, I'm gonna change everything and save the world! #science