Single potty
Jan 10, 2007
I've come to the conclusion that multi-person public bathrooms are completely useless unless they have enough facilities for more than 5 people. For this reason, the world should eliminate all 5-person and less public bathrooms and replace them with single potties. Here's why: - Bathroom conversations. I don't think I could possibly find the proper words to describe how much I hate bathroom conversations. I'm there to do my business and get out, not meet new people and network. It's always awkward and uncomfortable, and I can't stand talking to people when they or I am in a vulnerable position (more info).
- Space and resources. Down the hall where I work, there's a 3-person men's bathroom and a 3-person women's bathroom. At no time in the history of the universe have all 6 facilities been in use at one time. Plus, the male to female ratio where I work is about 30 to 1. So instead of two separate bathroom complexes, I think there should be 4 or 5 completely separate singles, each containing a urinal, a toilet, and a sink. The chances of all 5 being in use at one time are slim to none.
- Cleaning. When I walk all the way to bathroom only to find that it's temporarily closed for cleaning, I'm mad enough to pee on the floor. With several single potties, only one would need to be closed for cleaning at any one time. Now that's efficiency.
- Bathroom etiquette. If everyone was in their own separate room, there'd be no urinal-next-to-urinal issues or inter-stall conversations. No one would have a problem following the rules.
I think I have some good points here. This idea doesn't really apply to big public bathrooms like the ones at some airports or rest stops. Conversations never happen because everyone's a stranger. Space would be wasted with multiple rooms. The cleaning crew always has a system that doesn't interfere with the main function of the bathroom. And although bathroom etiquette would still be a problem, I think we might just have to accept the fact that there will never be a solution to the problems faced when entering a public bathroom. I'm just hoping to eliminate a few. #entertainment