Football season ends
Jan 28, 2007
Here I am, sitting around on a Sunday afternoon, crying my eyes out because football season is over. Well, maybe not actually crying. More like just really sad. Watching football is the thing to do on Sundays from September through January. And now that it's over (except for the big game next week), I don't know what I'm gonna do with myself. It's still too cold to do much outside, and I have no desire to do any big jobs around the house. Part of the appeal of watching football is that it's an activity closely related to sleep: There's not much movement, there's hardly any thinking, and there's no interaction. Basically, it's just a good reason to sit around and relax. And I think relaxation is something we don't always put on the top of our priority lists. It's hard to find time to sit around and do nothing, but it's always easy to find time to watch football. #sports