Loser talk (2)
Jan 26, 2007
When somebody loses at something, people often say nice things to cheer them up. That's called loser talk. Here are my favorite examples: - Everyone's a winner.
- All that matters is that you had fun.
- You did your best; that's all anyone could ask for.
- Try again next time.
- You can't win 'em all.
- It's just a game.
As a kid, loser talk was essential. I needed to be reassured and comforted when I lost, which happened quite often. But now that I'm old and cynical, I like to point out loser talk when I hear it. Whenever I play card or board games with groups of people, I usually lose. About 90% of the time, somebody who also lost will make some sort of even-the-playing-field statement and conclude it with "Everyone's a winner!" I instantly quip, "That's loser talk", effectively bringing everyone down to my level. But eh, it's just a game. #psychology
2007-01-31 08:44:23
loser talk is only characterized that way by people who have a competitive streak.
2007-01-31 09:41:46
I'm only competitive when I'm not winning.