Time budget
Nov 8, 2006
On average, I spend
- 29.2% of my time sleeping
- 23.8% of my time at work
- 11.9% of my time watching TV
- 5.9% of my time driving
- 4.2% of my time eating
- 3.3% of my time doing church things
- 2.4% of my time fixing/building/upkeeping things
- 2.4% of my time getting ready in the morning
- 1.8% of my time in class
- 1.5% of my time cleaning
- 1.4% of my time reading the Bible
- 1.2% of my time buying things
That accounts for 89% of my time. I'll assume 5% of that is calculation error, so that leaves 94% of my time accounted for. I wonder what I do with the other 10 hours each week? That's a lot of unaccounted-for time. I do remember staring out the window a lot, but I didn't think it took up that much time. #psychology