Novelty vehicles (1)
I see a surprisingly/frighteningly large number of novelty cars and trucks on the road.  Vehicles like the Dodge Rumble Bee and the Dale Earnhardt Signature Monte Carlo are really quite laughable.  What kind of person spends $35,000 for a bright yellow pickup truck with a bumble bee logo on the side?  What's the point of having a "sport" truck?  Can you race it against sports cars?  Does it handle like a Porsche?  Apparently, it's some sort of throwback to an old muscle car.  Maybe it's because I'm not a car person, but the whole idea sounds and looks amazingly stupid. 

And what's the deal with all those $25,000 Dale Earnhardt "racing" cars?  Why do only 40-year-old women drive them?  Isn't it kind of weird to purchase a huge object that's endorsed by someone, let alone a NASCAR driver?  It was enough when you got the shirt that matched the hat, but a matching car?  I've seen enough. #travel

Check out those antennae! 


Christian cars (1)
What kinds of cars should Christians drive?  This is the question I ask myself as I drive through my church's parking lot.  I see normal things like sedans, minivans, SUVs, and trucks.  Some are new; some are old.  Some are more expensive than others.  But then there are a few cars that really stand out:  A brand new Infiniti and pretty little blue Porsche. 

Is it acceptable for a Christian to own an Infiniti?  Sure, it's acceptable.  But is it a good idea?  Does it say, "I make enough money to afford nice things, so I drive a semi-luxury car."?  Or does it say, "I make more money than you, and I spend it frivolously on objects like cars."?  What is the owner getting by spending $10,000 to $20,000 more than necessary?  Where's the line between comfort and extravagance?  Is a sunroof extravagant?  Not really.  Is a sports car extravagant?  Not completely.  Is a Porsche extravagant?  I think so.  That's my opinion. 

If we think about the purpose behind owning a car, it's essentially to get us from point A to point B.  Some cars do this with a few more creature comforts than others.  Some are bigger; some are smaller.  Some have more power.  Some have more space.  But at what point does a Christian cross the line?  Christians are supposed to be "stewards of God's money".  We're supposed to be humble.  We're supposed to support the church with our money.  Maybe people with nice cars are supporting the church with their money too.  I believe some of those people are, and that's great.  But I think owning a Porsche sends a slightly different message.  To me, a Porsche says one thing:  Money.  If a person is into nice cars, why don't they get a 70s muscle car or a Camaro?  Porsche makes great cars; no doubt about that.  But does a Porsche emanate humility?  Does it say, "I love you" as it speeds past? 

I think this leaves just one question:  What Would Jesus Drive?  The answer:  He wouldn't drive at all.  He wouldn't be able to afford these ridiculous gas prices. #religion

Autistic savant
Interesting article about Daniel Tammet, an autistic savant well known for reciting Pi to 22,514 decimal places.  He recently wrote a book called Born on a Blue Day (not out yet) that describes his life in detail.  Writing and communicating are often difficult for people with his condition, but he seems to be highly functional. 
Tammet is doing well at answering my questions, even the indirect ones. As he explains in his book, he often appears rude because he doesn't respond if a question is not direct and explicit. "I am answering because I know from the context that you must be asking questions and that I must talk," he explains.

But the most distressing aspect of his condition has been his difficulty in understanding emotions. "I have to pretend to show emotions, such as triumph when I beat the house in Las Vegas. I don't enjoy films because the characters' expressions make no sense and I don't find verbal humour funny, though I do like slapstick."
(via Digg) #math