I have a problem.  I'm like Pizza the Hut from Spaceballs.  "News is in that the notorious gangster Pizza the Hut has died.  Reportedly, he locked himself in his limo and ate himself to death."  Ok, so that's not exactly how it works with me.  But I seriously think I could eat until I died.  Like I would probably explode before I stopped eating.  This can be seen by how much my stomach sticks out after I eat.  Is this a normal thing?  No!  You can actually measure the exact amount of food that's in my stomach.  But what's even more fascinating is the "why" of this.  Two reasons:  (1) Food tastes good and (2) It's just easier that way. 

I really like the taste of food.  I love the taste of a juicy steak with Bold and Spicy A1.  I love Nilla Wafers dipped in Cool Whip.  I could probably eat 2 million Circus Peanuts in one sitting.  And ever since Wendy started working at Mars, I've had an insatiable appetite for M&M's.  I used to only be able to put 2 in my mouth at one time (OCD anyone?), but now I could probably melt a whole pack into a smoothie and drink it in one gulp. 

I was raised on leftovers.  I could eat leftovers every day of my life.  I'm good like that.  But this forces me to save all uneaten food.  So let's say I cook a cup of peas for dinner.  And let's say I ate the chicken and stuffing that accompanied it.  Let's also say that I ate about 3/4 of the cup of peas, but I'm full.  Any more food would probably cause internal damage.  But in the interest of not having to put the rest of the peas in a plastic container and save them for future leftovers, I'll begrudgingly force them down my throat. 

So that's how it is with me.  You might read/hear something like this in the news sometime soon:  "New Jersey 'man' explodes from overeating.  Eagles win Superbowl.  Details on page A4." #food