Oct 5, 2005
College is over. I'm a "grownup". I have a job. I'm married. Some things can't carry over from college. I can no longer sleep 11 hours a day. I can no longer watch the Simpsons 3 times a day (and it's no longer on as much). I can no longer fake my way through life -- oh wait, yes I can, and I do.
But there's one thing I used to do in college that I should've never given up: not folding my underwear. I figured "Hey, I have a job now. I need to fold my underwear." Maybe I'm the only person who ever folded their underwear. If so, then this post makes me sound a little crazy. If not, then I need to share my findings with the whole world: Folding underwear is the biggest waste of time in the history of the world. There's absolutely no point to it. It's not like anyone is ever gonna see your wrinkled underwear. Y'know, 'cause they're underwear. And underwear aren't like socks: Socks must be folded or at least grouped together. Otherwise you waste your time trying to find matching socks in the morning. And if anyone's like me, mornings aren't the best time to test out your matching skills. So instead of wasting precious minutes folding underwear and neatly placing them in your drawer, just throw 'em all in there in a big ball. There's no need to sort them in alphabetical-color order anymore (not that anyone would do that). Some people may argue that it saves precious drawer space by folding things. To them I say this: Shut up stupidheads! The space you save isn't worth the time you waste. You can quote me on that.
And if you're really bold and want to save even more time, stop folding your undershirts (if you wear them). There's no need for an unwrinkled undershirt; it goes under. Instead, focus more time and effort on labeling your shirts with days of the week and writing your last name on all your underwear (just in case anybody steals your underwear; then they'll know it's yours). Thank you for your attention, and have a nice day. #lifestyle