I hate Adobe Acrobat.  Again I ask, why does it take such a big, complicated and annoying program to do a single, simple thing:  read a document?  It's not like it's a word processor.  It's not like it makes videos or translates things into Chinese.  It just reads a simple, uneditable document. 

But now for some useful advice:  if you have Adobe Acrobat Professional and want to get rid of those toolbar add-ins in Microsoft Office, here's what to do:  Open Registry Editor, go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE - SOFTWARE - Microsoft - Office.  Under each Office application (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, etc.) go to Addins - PDFMaker.OfficeAdmin.  Double click LoadBehavior and change the 3 to a 0.  Bingo.  No more stupid annoying toolbar or menu.  The reason you'd want to do this is because big dumb Acrobat makes everything big, dumb and slow.  It slows down Microsoft Office, and that's no good. #technology