I've felt for a while now that Donald Trump's fatal flaw and saving grace is that he's woefully ignorant.  There were some pretty serious accusations hurled at him while he was president, and I honestly think he just didn't know better because he came from a life of privilege and heavy-handed yet questionable business practices.  He didn't know you couldn't sell products while you were the president.  He didn't know a presidential candidate isn't allowed to work with a foreign government to interfere in an election.  He didn't know you couldn't force a state to come up with additional votes for you to try to win an election. 

Considering the litany of terrible things he did, a lot of people view him as this evil criminal mastermind who wanted to disrupt the status quo and cement his power and legacy forever.  I just think he was a dummy.  Or more accurately, he was ignorant -- and ignorant in the literal sense of the word, meaning he literally didn't know. #politics