Corporate war
Dec 31, 2014
I wonder when the first corporation will declare war? It's not that inconceivable. Guns and ammunition are already made by private companies. And the U.S. has used private military contractors in the recent past. So the equipment and skill is there.
There's certainly a question about legality, but I feel like that's not all that hard to circumvent. It probably won't be much longer before the first company establishes their corporate headquarters on an oil rig in the middle of the ocean. It's kind of already happening. It's not that much of a stretch for a "service economy" company like Google to simply build a few floating platforms in the world's oceans and continue to rake in cash while also continuing to avoid paying taxes. I'd say the incentive is right there.
The final thing would be motive, and I think a perfect example of that is the recent Sony hack. A giant corporation has little or nothing to gain from a legal investigation and subsequent trial. But they have everything to gain by preventing hacks from happening in the first place, both by increasing their network security and by personally attacking offending parties. Plus, it wouldn't take a D-Day invasion to take down a group of computer hackers. It would take a Seal Team 6 type of group, but without the legal niceties and Geneva Conventions that sovereign nations have to follow. Businesses are already considering this.
In short, the next major development in warfare will be Company X vs. Nation Y.
Update: Scott Adams wrote the same exact thing a few days after me. #business
Consistent logic
Dec 8, 2014
One of the unsettling things about religion is that it causes people to inconsistently utilize logic across different subject areas. No reasonable person, for example, learns how to drive a car but then suddenly decides to attempt to decelerate by slamming on the gas pedal. Logic consists at least partly of adhering to facts. Famous Christian Joel Osteen said, "Choose faith in spite of the facts." I have a problem with that line of thought. Facts are what allow us to store knowledge. They are the result of our observations and experiences. You can't just ignore facts because they contradict your worldview. That is profoundly narrow-minded and wrongheaded.
I say all this because I used to employ this religious peculiarity. It bothered me that I had an education and was in a profession that valued causes and effects, while in my free time I hoped an invisible sky fairy would grant me my wishes. I've known tons of religious people who are otherwise extremely intelligent, but who persist in fencing off one part of their brain to devote to mythology and magic. It would be better if it was just the idiots and the children who believed in things they couldn't see and couldn't hear and couldn't prove. But it's more like the majority of adult, sentient humans. That's scary. #religion