I keep a large steak knife at my desk at work, and I use it on a daily basis to cut up my lunch, slice the occasional apple, and butter my toast in the morning.  (My opinion on office eating is that if I'm spending half my waking hours at work, I'm eating at least two meals there.)  But whenever one of my co-workers happens to see my knife, they say something like, "You could kill someone with that thing." 

If it came down to it, I could probably kill a person with a paper clip and lots of carefully-placed puncture wounds.  But I don't, because I don't typically kill people.  Even though steak knives have been used in the past for that purpose doesn't mean all steak knives are always used for that purpose.  I resent the fact that a tool I use on a daily basis labels me as a criminal. 

Also, in terms of fighting styles, knives are close-combat weapons, meaning you have to get real close to use them, which leaves you open to counterattacks and such.  I'd personally rather use a really long stick, or run away screaming. 

On a related note, whenever I go to the airport, I have to remember to leave my pocket multitool at home because otherwise they'll confiscate it due to its weapon-like abilities.  What they don't realize is that the knife doesn't even lock open, so if you tried to use it to stab someone, you'd most likely end up cutting yourself. #lifestyle