Comments:RusDon't forget step 4.5: Watching other people's young children for extended periods of time. This has to be done gratis in order to get the full understanding of the ROI. I know a few in your Bible Study who may be willing to help in this area.DaveI sort of do that already. My first experience was in the church nursery, where I had the privilege of changing my first diaper. What a Sunday. The other [ongoing] experience is being around my nephew whose only noise is called "scream-like-a-banshee-who-caught-on-fire-and-is-slowly-melting". As his mother (my sister-in-law) says, it's the best form of birth control.ShelleyI can't keep a fish alive for more than 1 week. Guess the rest are out of the question!WendyRus - check out the nursery experience: http://ddhr.org/2005/09/22/diapers/Another laugh-out-loud-at-work blog entry. WendyShelley - start with plants...PayalWhat if one has killed plants?DaveGo with a pet rock. If you kill that, please refrain from ever reproducing.Payalman..AlbertoLast October, I went straight to 5 without any prior experience since I never had a pet rock, fish, rodent (uh, disgusting), cat or dog (although my parents had a rotweiler). Despite this, my baby is alive and kicking. Does that make me a prodigy? According to Wendy, it does!DaveYou should probably get a few pets to make up for it.Wendyi think most people get rid of 1-4 after having 5. so maybe alberto is like doogie howser (i.e. prodigy) - he skipped grades 1-4 and went straight to 5th!Alberto...It's too late in the game. Once you have a human you barely have time to feed yourself, let alone a pet. As you hint in your blog, having a 5 is equivalent in terms of work as dealing with 1+2+3+4...RusAnd for those of you who have one 5 and are thinking about another one; do not fall into the misconception (pardon the pun) that your work will double. It quadruples!!AlbertoOk, here's "having a 5" according to Maitena (a really funny cartoonist from Argentina - highly recommend it by the way). She says that there are "ONLY" 6 things that having a baby deprives you of (please see link below to see the cartoon, which I translate below because it's in Spanish):1) Sitting down: "ok baby, I'll hold you...but why do I have to stay standing..." 2) Talking: a woman on the phone while holding a baby that cannot stop crying. She yells over the phone "STOOOOOOOOPPPPPP"...then apologising to her friend and saying "no, no, I was not talking to you". 3) Using the toilet: a guy in a suit walks into the room and his wife holds the baby out for him to take the baby and tells him "Finally. Hold her would you?" 4) Reading: A baby cries in the background and the lady thinks to herself while trying to read: "it's the 4th time I'm reading the same line". 5) Eating: Husband calling his wife to dinner while she's holding the baby..."yeah, in a minute, let me change her diapers, put her to sleep and I'll be there...doesn't matter anyways I had the baby's baby food leftovers". 6) Sleeping: Middle of the night. Baby crying out of his mind in another room and the lady gets up and starts crying in desperation right by her bed. For lack of a better place to post the picture of her cartoon image, I copy pasted the link below. It's pretty funny and definitely true, I think... http://contradiccions.files.wordpress.com/2007/08/maitena-bebe.jpg PayalAlberto, you're a scary dude. That is scaring the crap out of me, right now! I guess, I should start w/ a rock.Albertohaha! I didn't mean to scare anyone, the benefits of having a child way outweigh the downside, trust me!!!!!!!PayalYou think some of the celebrities went through your protocol, Dave? As in 1..2..3.. KID.Hm, one wonders. |