I'm thinking about riding a bike to and from work instead of driving.  I can think of at least 7 reasons why this would be a good idea: 
  1. It would lower my cholesterol, which has been slightly high in the past.
  2. It would give me a healthy heart and a strong body.
  3. It would reduce my fossil fuel consumption, which would have some sort of effect on the environment, though small.
  4. It would drastically cut down on the money I pay for gas.
  5. It would reduce the amount of wear and tear I put on my car, thus reducing maintenance costs.
  6. It would eliminate my time in traffic, though I don't spend much time in traffic in the first place.  Still, zero is better than some.
  7. It would give me a big ego, as I tell people, "That's right, I ride my bike to work, and it's not because I lost my license."
I can think of at least 4 things that would prevent or deter me from doing it: 
  1. Riding a bike on Route 15 may cause injury or death, but it's only about 2000 feet.
  2. It'll add about 30 minutes to each leg of my commute.
  3. I don't know if I can ride a bike for 10 miles at a time, only to do it again 9 hours later.
  4. I might have a problem finding a shower at work that isn't another 2 miles from my building.
I think I just need to try it out to see if it's possible.  And maybe I wouldn't do it everyday; maybe only 2-3 times per week, weather dependent.  I should probably ride a bike around my neighborhood first to see if I can make it up hills.  We'll see. #psychology