Bike to work (1)
May 22, 2007
I'm thinking about riding a bike to and from work instead of driving. I can think of at least 7 reasons why this would be a good idea: - It would lower my cholesterol, which has been slightly high in the past.
- It would give me a healthy heart and a strong body.
- It would reduce my fossil fuel consumption, which would have some sort of effect on the environment, though small.
- It would drastically cut down on the money I pay for gas.
- It would reduce the amount of wear and tear I put on my car, thus reducing maintenance costs.
- It would eliminate my time in traffic, though I don't spend much time in traffic in the first place. Still, zero is better than some.
- It would give me a big ego, as I tell people, "That's right, I ride my bike to work, and it's not because I lost my license."
I can think of at least 4 things that would prevent or deter me from doing it: - Riding a bike on Route 15 may cause injury or death, but it's only about 2000 feet.
- It'll add about 30 minutes to each leg of my commute.
- I don't know if I can ride a bike for 10 miles at a time, only to do it again 9 hours later.
- I might have a problem finding a shower at work that isn't another 2 miles from my building.
I think I just need to try it out to see if it's possible. And maybe I wouldn't do it everyday; maybe only 2-3 times per week, weather dependent. I should probably ride a bike around my neighborhood first to see if I can make it up hills. We'll see. #psychology
2007-07-25 10:16:46
I rode my bike to work today, and all went well. It helped that several of those 11.5 miles were downhill. I managed to avoid Route 15 by going in a back entrance at work. The ride home will be a bit more difficult, but probably not terrible. All in all, a good experience.