I dropped the lid to my coffee cup in the kitchen sink this morning. 

To most people, this probably isn't a big deal.  But have you ever looked at the stuff in the kitchen sink?  It's really disgusting.  Food particles, dirt, debris, cat hair, grime, unidentifiable masses.  It's really a horrific environment.  What other area in a house takes that amount of abuse?  We wash our paint brushes.  We clean our cats' food dish.  We wash raw meat off plates.  We pour grease down the drain and hope it doesn't clog something.  We pour expired liquids down the drain while holding our noses and trying not to puke.  We wash out cans that contain everything from peanut butter to chicken broth.  It's one thing to mix all these activities in a central location.  It's another thing to let it all sit there, rotting, growing stuff, spawning.  I swear I've heard little voices coming from the bottom of the sink.  Or that could have something to do with the harsh cleaners I use (another substance to add to the mix). 

I considered calling it a day at that point.  What more can come of a day that starts out like that?  Instead, I picked up the lid, rinsed (not washed) it off, and kept right on going.  If you don't hear from me in the next few days, assume the worst. #psychology