Comments:PayalWhen we went to Mexico, the tour guide told us that an average Mayan eats about 40 corn tortillas / day. Do you think it has any truth to it? I mean, Mexico is 2nd on that obesity chart. I'm surprised to Czech Republic. All the Czechs I know are really skinny. DanggreyThank you for linking to my site.-Grey DaveI was surprised to see the Slovak Republic in the number 4 spot. All the Slovaks I know are ... actually, I've never met a Slovak in my life. I couldn't even point to the country on a map. I'll take a wild guess and say they have something to do with the "Slav" in the former nation of Czechoslovakia. I could be wrong.Most of the countries on the list make sense. They're rich and eat lots of food full of carbohydrates (tortillas) and fat (red meat, Ho-Ho's, etc.). The countries that aren't on the list are also interesting:
WendyI visited Kenya and I remember talking about cancer & heart disease. The Kenayans told me that cancer & heart disease are rich man diseases. People in Africa rarely died from these diseases, but often suffered from HIV/AIDS, TB, malaria, diptheria, etc.; diseases we are inoculated against. So I wonder if these other countries that didn't make the list were affected by the same "obesity" diseases the USA* is typically afflicted against - type II diabetes, cancer, heart disease, etc. Subsequently, I wonder if Kenya and other countries not in the top 10 have a lower incidence of these "rich man" diseases.*random - how many people write USA as opposed to US? DaveHomer Simpson says, "USA! USA!" He's my inspiration.dpeachPayal said that they were told the average Mayan eats 40 tortillas a day. I live in Maya country and could believe that number. I am not sure about the rest of Mexico, but the village women here are categorically obese. While you rarely see a Mayan man overweight.PayalI say US only because USA makes me sound like an FOB (fresh off boat).dpeach: thanks for not making me look like an idiot. |