Every few months at work, we have some sort of reply-all problem.  It usually goes something like this: 
Person 1:  (Addressed to all) I'm looking for information about this stupid thing that only I care about.
Person 2:  (Replying to all) I have that information.  Let's talk. 
Person 1:  (Replying to all) Thanks. 
Person 3:  (Replying to all) How can I be removed from this mailing list?
Person 4:  (Replying to all) You have to contact the computer people.
Person 5:  (Replying to all) Stop replying to all. 
Person 6:  (Replying to all) Please remove me from this mailing list. 
Person 7:  (Replying to all) Please, everyone, stop replying to all. 
I've seen these conversations escalate to involve upwards of 20 or 30 people angrily being asked to be removed from the list, all the while another 20 or 30 people keep reminding everyone to stop replying to all.  It's a downward spiral, and people get madder and more insistent upon each new email received. 

Since our email is server based (i.e. doesn't reside on our local PCs), it seems there should be a simple solution to this:  A reply-all kill switch.  When a reply-all conversation gets out of hand, the email server gods should be able to simply delete the non-essential emails from the server, which would instantaneously delete all related emails from everyone's inbox.  Or, the email server gods should be able to simply block all email with a certain subject (RE: Info about stupid thing) and/or certain recipients (All).  Since email has effectively devolved into the biggest timesuck for any organization's workforce, this little hack would make everyone's lives a little better.  Especially mine. #technology