A few weeks ago, I went to a restaurant/bar that had a bathroom attendant.  This is the guy who stands near the sink in the bathroom and performs unnecessary menial tasks such as providing deodorant and cologne and handing you a towel after you wash your hands.  He also perpetuates his purpose by placing a big metal tray for tips right in the middle of the sink.  The first time I used the bathroom, I washed my hands and took the towel from him thinking, "I'm not paying this guy to give me a paper towel.  He needs to get a real job."  But the second time I used the bathroom, I felt guilty about using his services and not tipping him.  Although I'm perfectly able to operate a paper towel dispenser on my own, this guy took the liberty to do it for me.  What a guy.  So I tipped him.  Begrudgingly

For a little background information, please understand the role of the bathroom in the life of a male:  A bathroom is for doing your business.  That's it.  Plain and simple.  There's no socializing, no eye contact, no recognition of other human beings.  You go in, you get out.  So it was immensely uncomfortable to have to greet this dude in the bathroom, take a paper towel directly out of his hands, and thank him.  It was both mortifying and disgusting.  I saw several guys come in the bathroom, do their thing, and walk out quickly without washing their hands.  I can't blame them.  I would have done it too, but I feel bad about touching other people (like holding Wendy's hand or something) knowing I didn't wash my hands after I went to the bathroom. 

So in conclusion, I don't think bathrooms need attendants.  I think most people are fully capable of operating the various functional areas of a public bathroom without the help of a third-party dude.  And if they're not, they'll get bacteria all over their hands, spread it to all their dumb friends, and evolution will take care of the rest. #entertainment