Although it may seem a little weird (I can't believe I'm typing it), I sort of enjoy Monday mornings.  I don't enjoy getting up at 6am after a weekend of sleeping in, and I don't enjoy going back to the normal weekly routine.  But I do enjoy sitting around in my quiet office and catching up on my reading list.  I usually have a lot of catching up to do because I'm often away from a computer the whole weekend.  Plus, certain sites like News of the Weird publish a new thing once a week, which means Monday morning is my time to read it.  Also, ever since I moved to a different job function at work, mornings have been quite a bit different.  My old boss used to get in at 6:30am (he lived in PA and needed to beat the commute), so I would have to enter the office at a run instead of a walk (or a crawl as is usually the case).  But my new boss doesn't come in until somewhere around 9:30 or 10am, so I have a solid 2 hours of catchup time and Monday morning tiredness. #psychology