New Mondays (3)
Aug 21, 2006
Although it may seem a little weird (I can't believe I'm typing it), I sort of enjoy Monday mornings. I don't enjoy getting up at 6am after a weekend of sleeping in, and I don't enjoy going back to the normal weekly routine. But I do enjoy sitting around in my quiet office and catching up on my reading list. I usually have a lot of catching up to do because I'm often away from a computer the whole weekend. Plus, certain sites like News of the Weird publish a new thing once a week, which means Monday morning is my time to read it. Also, ever since I moved to a different job function at work, mornings have been quite a bit different. My old boss used to get in at 6:30am (he lived in PA and needed to beat the commute), so I would have to enter the office at a run instead of a walk (or a crawl as is usually the case). But my new boss doesn't come in until somewhere around 9:30 or 10am, so I have a solid 2 hours of catchup time and Monday morning tiredness. #psychology
2006-08-23 14:59:14
Your post reminded me (for some unknown reason) of those new ESPN commercials for Monday Night Football. If you haven't seen them, you should watch about ten minutes of ESPN later and I'm sure one will come on. They're funny. :-)
And if you want to add to your Monday morning reading list: Some Mondays they are better than others. Enjoy.
2006-08-23 22:03:31
I don't watch much TV, and I don't watch any ESPN. What's this commercial about?
I used to read PostSecret and I find the site extremely fascinating, but some of the post cards are gross, weird and/or disturbing.
2006-08-24 11:33:46
The commercials are just about how these people hate going into work on Monday mornings and then they tell you a little bit about why and at the end of the commercial it goes something like, but this Monday is one Monday closer to Monday night football. Once again, this really doesn't have much to do with your post except that you were talking about Monday mornings. hehe. I tried to find a link to one of the commercials online, but I was unsuccessful. I did come across a whole bunch of Sportscenter commercials though. ESPN gets two thumbs up for their creativity.
Yeah, the PostSecret website can be slightly disturbing at times. I like it anyway.