News flash:  Every human being on this planet who has access to a computer and the internet has Googled themselves.  Seriously.  Everybody does it.  Don't be ashamed.  It doesn't mean you're conceited.  Well actually, it kind of does:  You're searching to see what other people have to say about you.  But who cares, no one knows about it. 

I do it.  And look at me:  I'm cool.  I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggonit, people like me. 

With this in mind, I'm surprised when people email me from out of the blue and say, "Hey I found your website when I Googled ... I mean when my friend Googled my name."  You're not fooling anyone.  You Googled yourself!  But that's ok.  Like I said, it's an acceptable thing to do. #technology