I might have found a way to get around being blocked at work (don't tell the network admins).  It's this thing called Writely, which is basically just an online document editor.  It's actually a pretty cool little tool that has been around for a little while now.  I thought about trying it in the past, but I really had no use for it.  But then I somehow just found out that it has an option to post to a blog.  And bingo, that's what I'm trying with this post.  We'll see if it works.  My only problem so far is that I don't get to decide what category it goes in.  But that's something I can get over.  I've also read that is changes the time of posting, or that it's not completely accurate.  Oh well.  Better than nothing.  Time of post:  1:23 pm on January 12. 

My other problem is that the rich text editor makes sub-par HTML, so I had to edit it by hand.  That sort of defeats the purpose of using a rich text editor. #technology