Sometimes, I sound somewhat angry on my site.  Some people think I have anger issues.  Obviously these people are IDIOTS!  Kidding.  On a serious note, yes, a lot of my posts are rants about people who annoy me or things I hate.  This is true.  However, sometimes I know I'm not alone in my feelings.  Not that I can justify my actions by saying that everyone else does it, but I seriously think a lot of people have these same feelings but just don't express them.  My method of expression is my website.  It consists of written words; things I would never say in public or do anything about.  Yes, I do share some of my opinions aloud, but I wouldn't act on any of my impulses like shooting cars with paintball guns or yelling at people who play with their cell phones.  So while many of my posts are surprising and offensive, rest assured that this is my means of release, and you won't have to bail me out of jail in the near future. #technology