I was thinking this morning (amazing, isn't it?), and I came upon a thought that I've had before: sometimes believing in science instead of Christianity takes more faith than Christianity. For example, are we to believe what science tells us: that complex, living, eating, breathing human beings evolved from nothing? Just take a look at us; think about how everything just works without even doing anything about it. Right now, my heart is pumping blood to every part of my body, carrying oxygen so that the muscles in my lungs can expand and contract. There are tiny little electrical impulses moving all around my brain, on the magnitude of 100-200 pulses per second. And this is just breathing and thinking. What about all the other millions of things we do on a continual basis?  You think this came from nothing? From one-celled organisms that developed out of nothing into something? That takes a lot of faith to believe. For me, I'll continue to believe that I was created by a supreme being, God. It just makes more sense. #religion