I've noticed that the excitement one person has about an idea doesn't always spread to another person.  The idea can be good, and it can be communicated well, but if the other person is on a different page, or if it's just not the right setting, the excitement evaporates.  This happens a lot at Bible studies, when I think I have something good to add, and I can even gather my thoughts and convert them into speech pretty well, and I expect everyone to totally agree with me and for the issue to be settled, but then it doesn't happen.  Other people talk, or the original issue gets rehashed, or both.  Afterward, I'll go over my thoughts in my head, and reaffirm my good idea and the reason I'm excited about it.  But just because it's exciting for me, doesn't mean it has to be exciting for everyone else.  To each his own, I suppose. #psychology