Custom tacos
I saw a bumper sticker for, and I thought, even if you could buy and sell customized tacos, why would it be done online?  That would imply shipping costs and time, which would definitely cut down on freshness, and all this in the name of custom tacos, which could be much more easily made with ingredients bought at a local supermarket. 

I went to the website and figured it out.  CustomTacos = Customized Toyota Tacomas.  Of course.  A taco is a pickup truck.  Everybody knows that. #travel

Bunnius Maximus (5)
We got a new bunny a few weeks ago. 

He's a Holland Lop and his name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, named of course after the lead character from the movie Gladiator.  We got him through Craigslist, from a family whose daughter (and rabbit caretaker) had recently gone off to college.  The reason we added another bunny to our zoo household is that Dora is antisocial, and we felt that she could use some encouragement from one of her own kind.  It turns out our plan is working pretty well.  And try as he might (though he hasn't yet) an unneutered male rabbit can't impregnate a spayed female, so no baby bunnies for us. 

One thing that became evident right away is that Max is the polar opposite of Dora.  One telltale sign is his pose in the above picture.  He's flopped down on the floor with his back feet out, which is how rabbits sit around when they're just chillin and they don't have a care in the world.  Max does this often.  Dora never does.  For comparison sake, I made a helpful table: 

Can I pet you?No, I'll scratch you.  Then I'll bite you.Yes, please.
Want to come out of your cage and run around?No, I prefer to hide in my box.Yes, please.
Can I pick you up?No, I'll run away from you and make little grunting noises to scare you off.Ok.
Did you use your litter box today?Of course.What's a litter box?
What stinks?Probably you, jerk.Sorry, I just pooped everywhere.
And that pretty much sums it up.  On the plus side, Dora is getting better with human interaction, and Max is getting better with the litter box. #nature

Auto-delete podcasts
I know iTunes has the ability to auto-delete podcasts after they've been listened to, but that function has never worked for me.  When I click "Settings..." in the Podcasts tab, I have "Episodes to keep" set to "All unplayed episodes", which to me means all played episodes will not be kept.  However, in real life, this doesn't happen.  Thankfully there's an easy way to fix this:  Right-click a podcast and click "Allow Auto Delete".  Or you can press Ctrl-A to select all, right-click, and select "Allow Auto Delete".  The one caveat is that podcasts are only auto-deleted after a refresh. #technology