Let's say I have high cholesterol.  The solution is diet, exercise, or genetic mutation (i.e. remove all traces of family history).  Now let's say I started running and want to see if it's helped my condition.  I have to go to my primary care doctor, get a prescription for a blood test, go to the blood test, wait for the results to be sent to my doctor, then go to my doctor to have the results explained to me.  [This could be a function of my insurance provider.  "Why not change insurance providers?"  It's like being offered the choice of a punch to the face or a punch to the stomach.]  The thing is, the blood test results already come with an explanation.  It says what the normal numbers should be, and it usually says what to do if the numbers are outside the normal range.  And if not, it's trivially easy to look it up online.  I look forward to the day when a doctor is not part of that equation.  Doctors don't give a crap about me.  They give a crap about insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies and medical malpractice.  This isn't so much a critique of doctors (though it obviously is), but a statement of fact:  Doctors can't care more about my health and wellness than I do, unless I specifically pay them to only worry about me.  For certain health issues like this, I'd rather be the one in control. #health