I look forward to the day when our country is run by an attractive, unoffensive, relatively neutral, mentally stable, likable man or woman backed by the best minds in fields like economics, business, and science.  I picture a celebrity like Matt Damon or Oprah enlisting the help of Bill Gates, Michael Bloomberg, and Stephen Hawking.  The president him/herself would merely be a figurehead, capable of speaking well in public and looking good on camera.  The real brains of the operation would be the real brains of the operation.  I guess that's essentially how it's done now, but I still feel like we're forced to choose between a car without wheels and a car without a battery.  Can't we get a complete car?  (To be fair, this Obama fella isn't all that bad.)  Also, we often don't know the people behind the scenes, both because they're behind the scenes and because they're not famous people.  If Michael Bloomberg can generate billions of dollars and then run the city at the center of the universe, I think he should be in the oligarchy that runs the country.  And Oprah should be his spokeswoman. #politics