I'm pretty sure I have Sensory Integration Dysfunction, Asperger syndrome, Autism, or some sort of combination of the three.  I haven't decided which category I fit into best.  I certainly have "significant difficulties in social interaction and restricted, stereotyped patterns of behavior and interests" that comes with AS, and a recent revelation shows that I can't function in the presence of loud noises.  As I write this, several workmen are banging hammers on the floor above my desk in a seemingly random pattern, and I briefly considered quitting my job because of it.  Also, it hurts my ears to hear Wendy cough, I must be near the remote that controls the volume on the TV in case of a loud commercial, and the sound of a dog barking loudly indoors almost made me cry.  I like reading about psychological disorders.  It's fun to try to figure out what's wrong with me. 

Update:  Also, smell.  I can't go into places like the Yankee Candle store because I get overwhelmed by the plethora of smells. #psychology