If there was ever a doubt as to how much of a geek I am, this should make it clear. 

Our household owns several different colors of solid-color plates.  Two each of red, orange, yellow, and blue.  We use these plates in a random order, i.e. we don't intentionally use plates of the same color for a meal for two.  Furthermore, the order of the plates is constantly changing (and randomly, at that) because the order in which they're used isn't the order in which they're replaced, and sometimes newly washed plates are placed on top of the pile, while other times they're placed at the bottom.  If anything can be said about the usage of these plates, it's that it's completely random.  There's no order involved whatsoever.  Which makes it interesting when something like this happens: 

What we have here is a set of eight plates that have almost grouped themselves by color.  Two blues, one orange, two reds, two yellows, one orange.  There's most likely a way to calculate the probability of something like this happening, though I don't claim to understand probability.  What's equally interesting is that this isn't the first time it's happened.  It happened at least one other time in the last few months, which would make that probability even more amazing.  The day the plates completely auto-order themselves will most likely be the day the world ends.  If not, I'll post that picture too. #math