Let's say you're at a wedding rehearsal dinner in an Irish-type pub, sitting at a single table with about 30 people, being served by a single waiter.  Oh, and some people ordered appetizers while others ordered salads, while still others ordered nothing besides the main meal.  Oh, and there are at least two children running around.  Oh, and it's around 8:30pm on a Wednesday. 

Got all that?  Ok.  Now don't get angry when the waiter brings your meal and it has fries when you specifically asked for no fries.  Just take the fries.  Move on. 

I find difficult diners to be annoying.  On the one hand, I'm all about getting what I want, so I understand the idea.  You're paying for the food, so you should get what you want, how you want it.  Fair enough.  But on the other hand, you need to know your limits.  When your waiter is running around like a headless chicken, take a hint.  When you're eating bar food, don't have high expectations.  The thing is, I'm married to a difficult diner.  Everything must be cheese-free.  The chicken must be grilled, not fried.  And the default salad dressing?  It must be something other than default.  But most times, we're a small party, we don't cause much other trouble, and we tip well, so the difficult diner can get her wish.  But sending your food back at a pub serving a 30-person party?  You're asking for it. #food