It's funny how whenever I see people from a certain time period of my life, we only talk about that time period.  After the obligatory "Where do you work?" and "What's new?", conversations inevitably head towards "Remember that time..."  These conversations don't happen nearly as much with people who've been a larger part of my life.  And while there's nothing inherently wrong with talking about the past, I feel like it brings up two problems:  For one, the past never changes, so you end up talking about the same things over and over again.  You can't add anything new to the past, so depending on the length of the time period, rehashed conversations can get old pretty quick.  Second, I'm no longer a 19-year-old college student.  My interests, beliefs, and lifestyle have changed at least slightly, if not drastically.  It's one thing to reminisce about how things used to be; it's another thing to expect me to be the same person I was several years ago. #psychology