I don't really know what lent is because it's a Catholic tradition and I'm a Christian.  But it sounds like it's a time when you stop doing something you don't normally do anyway for the purpose of adhering to a dead, meaningless tradition.  That's what I've gathered from the many Catholics I've talked to. 

One of the other fun things about lent is not eating meat on Fridays and instead eating fish, which is the farthest thing from a meat before you start getting into the tofus and eggplant-based food products.  In the 16th century, Europeans exploring Central and South America submitted a petition to the Catholic Church to classify the capybara as a fish since it spent much of its time in the water.  Capybaras are the world's largest rodent, weighing in at over 100 lbs, and their meat resembles that of chicken and pork.  The Catholic Church, in their infinite God-absent wisdom, obliged the request, and the practice of eating capybara during lent continues to this day

For the record, I believe the Bible and have faith in God, but my God would never allow a rodent to be called a fish.  Never! #religion