I drove down to Virginia last week, and I didn't really feel like listening to 7 hours of music, even if they were my CDs.  It occurred to me that I could listen to an audio book, the ideal solution for people who (a) don't read and (b) have lots of time to kill.  But audio books are expensive, sometimes two or three times as much as the actual book.  I'm not a fan of spending money, so I almost gave up.  But in a moment of shear brilliance, I realized that I could freely borrow audio books from the local library, which is funded by my tax dollars.  Cha-ching!  I found out there's a branch of the county library located about 5 miles from my house, so I went to check it out.  I signed up for a library card and signed out two audio books.  My drive to Virginia was excellent, and now my commute to and from work is better too (ever since they got rid of Free FM, there's no more worthwhile talk radio).  Now I'm a fan of audio books and libraries. #entertainment