Scientific fact (2)
Scott Adams wrote an interesting thing about scientific fact a few weeks ago.  One of his points was that scientific facts sometimes change based on how much "science" we know. 
But is a scientific fact the same as being true?

Sometimes a scientific fact is falsified by newer and better science. That's how science works. So while we assume it is rare, a scientific fact can be false in reality, especially in the short run.
I really don't like getting into that whole "evolution isn't a fact, it's a theory" argument, but I think it's worth noting that several widely held beliefs were later disproved: 
  1. Letting leeches suck your blood will cure disease
  2. The earth is flat
  3. The sun revolves around the earth
  4. Pluto is a planet
So while certain bits of information are considered facts or theories (depending on who you ask), those bits can change depending on what we know or how we define them. #religion

One thing I've noticed about people who've lived in a foreign country for an extended amount of time is that every minute detail of daily life is forever compared with a similar experience in that foreign country.  And most comparisons portray American life in a bad light, causing people like me to think things like, "Well, if you like your foreign country so much, why don't you just move there?"  The social life in Brazil is more friendly.  The family life in Ireland is more loving.  The historic sites in Italy are more ... historic.  While any of these statements are most likely true, it gets a little annoying sometimes to always hear comparisons between your country and my country.  And although I'm sure I would constantly preach about the greatness of America if I was a resident of a foreign land, that situation hasn't happened yet, so I can continue to hold my air of contempt towards people who currently do this. #sociology