Nappy (6)
Apr 10, 2007
I'm not usually up to date with what's going on in the world, and it's because of things like this: Don Imus, the guy who came up with the phrase "a face made for radio", called the Rutgers women's basketball team a bunch of nappy-headed hoes. I wouldn't normally even notice a "national event" like this, but it's impossible to ignore. It's the breaking story on every major news network, and it's even permeated the seedy underbelly of morning shock jock talk radio. Each day brings a new aspect of the story to light, and it's an absolutely exhilarating story to be a part of. Not really.
I have some advice for the old Don-ster: Blame it on the movie Happy Feet. One of the major songs in the movie about a dancing penguin was Stevie Wonder's "I Wish", which tells the story of when Stevie was a "little nappy-headed boy". Happy Feet probably made some good money at the box office, so now would be a great time to capitalize on your offense with an easy lawsuit. Man, I'm a genius. #entertainment
2007-04-10 22:48:20
face made for radio, is indeed aging and probably knows better, but seniors tend to blurt stuff out without thinking,,, or is it ratings create controversy sweeps week? Either way, if it is a black "ebonic" phrase, you must go to Jessie or The Rev. Al Sharpton to get permission to use such a phrase, don't ya know. !!! Positive or negative controversy creates attention, which creates more advertising dollars..... and the beat goes on.. wake up and quit taking everything so personal.... Silliness in America, which has certainly become WAY TOO THIN SKINNED !
2007-04-11 08:17:04
Actually, several of his advertisers just pulled their money out of his program. Negative controversy is usually ok, as long as it's not racial.
2007-04-11 11:05:12
He definitely shouldn't have said what he said, but I think that ESPN in particular is making a bigger deal of this than it is because it's networks are not involved in any way...If Imus had been broadcast on a Disney, ABC, ESPN affiliate, I don't know that ESPN would be making such a big deal of it. Not that it's not a big deal, because he definitely shouldn't have classified those girls that way but I'm definitely over all the publicity this is getting...
2007-04-11 12:27:52
or what about all the news about the late playmate and her baby's father?? report REAL news, please!!
2007-04-11 13:01:25
ESPN is supposed to be a sports network. This has almost nothing to do with sports, except that the girls happen to play basketball. So yeah, it probably has something to do with their affiliation with Disney and ABC.
I think it's funny how news networks cover the story and make remarks about how un-newsworthy it actually is. By reporting their opinion on it, they're just continuing the trend. And I'm continuing the trend too with this dumb-dumb post.
The thing about the blond girl is so last week. Or two weeks ago.
2007-04-11 13:27:52
True, but didn't they just recently get that paternity test back with who the father was or something? That probably made it "newsworthy" again.