I have a pretty strong opinion about the proper location for the disposal of ABC gum.  And by pretty strong, I mean I'm willing to fight to the death about it. 

Expired gum should be thrown in the garbage or wrapped in some sort of protective coating (tissue, paper, etc.) so it doesn't stick to things.  The absolute wrong place for getting rid of unwanted gum is "out my car window" or "on the ground right over there".  The simple reason for this is that, despite the utterly massive size of the universe and the complete unlikeliness that certain specific random events will occur, I, Dave Hosier, will undoubtedly, unavoidably, step on your stupid gum.  And it'll be permanently stuck to my shoe.  I could walk on nails with their points up, puddles of super glue, and wet cement, yet all these materials will fail to stick to my shoes.  As soon as I get within inches of gum on ground, it will inevitably stick to my shoe.  I don't care if I just saw you spit your gum over there, and it doesn't matter that you warned me about it several times.  There are many uncertainties in life.  This is not one of them.  Your gum.  My shoe.  Finito. 

So, please, dispose of your gum in the trash.  Help make the world less gum-filled.  Together we can make a difference. #food