How many rings (7)
Jan 30, 2007
How many times should I let my co-worker's phone ring before I throw it on the floor and smash it to pieces?
Update (2007-01-31 11:48am): I completely forgot about this, but a Dilbert comic from December hit the nail on the head. #technology
2007-01-30 16:02:23
Hmm.....good question. How many times should I let someone come to my office looking for the office ACROSS THE DAMN HALL before I throw a fit?
2007-01-30 16:10:45
I think the answer to both questions is 2. Maybe 3 on a good day.
2007-01-30 16:13:20
Then I am soooooooooooo past the limit today! I think I'm past the limit everyday. If that other office doesn't get a sign that says Friedman and Mirman soon, I will make a giant one with magic markers just so I can have a day of peace! I hope your co-worker starts picking up the phone.
2007-01-30 16:17:30
If you make a sign, you should make it as shoddy and childlike as possible. That way, they'll be forced to act quickly.
It wouldn't be as bad if (a) my co-worker picked up his phone when he sat there instead of letting it ring several times and (b) the ring wasn't a stupid annoying song.
2007-01-30 16:24:37
Definitely big bubble letters in rainbow colors. They are supposed to get one soon, but I honestly don't even know if it will help. We have glass doors over here so you can see me, and the other side has these scary wood doors. I'm hoping when they get a sign it helps, but people are really stupid and I honestly don't know if it will. If it doesn't, I'm quitting my job!
Oh, it's a cell phone? You should do what Jim did on the Office two weeks ago and throw it into the ceiling. What song does it play?
2007-01-30 23:26:15
I'd like to throw it at his head. It plays a salsa song that says, "Mira mira mira mira bla bla bla" or something along those lines.
2007-02-01 10:10:40
to be a total passive aggressive person, i would print out this comic and leave it on the person's desk at the end of the day (or when no one sees you doing it). hehe...