The Muffin Incident
Jan 25, 2007
When I got home from work yesterday, I was greeted with the most recent cat-produced disaster, hereafter referred to as "The Muffin Incident". Unfortunately, I didn't have my camera, so I wasn't able to reproduce photographic evidence of the offense. But basically, it was exactly like The Marshmallow Incident but with blueberry muffins. The scene I came home to was one of a ripped open plastic bag, half-eaten muffins strewn about the floor, and little blue bits flung all over the place. Based on my observation of my cats' eating patterns, the blue bits are most likely the result of them (let's be honest, it was Dilbert) taking a bite of something, realizing it's gross, and shaking their head to make the undesirable food item fall out. I find it at least slightly odd that the cats continue to eat something even after they realize it contains something they don't like. But hey, whatever. Cats are stupid crazy. The most frightening part about this incident was that I thought the bag of muffins was originally placed on top of the refrigerator for safekeeping (i.e. cat-proofing). So if the cats can get up on the fridge, what other out-of-reach places can they get to? It turns out the muffins were actually on the kitchen table, which came as a much-needed relief. #food