I just don't get it.  At most supermarkets and retail stores (Walmart, Target, etc.), there's an express checkout line.  It usually displays a sign that reads, "10 items or less".  It's great for people like me who go into a store to buy 1 or 2 things and want to quickly get out (in the absence of a self-checkout line).  There's usually a short line if there's any line at all, and it moves quickly because people are only buying 10 items or less

Except those stupid people who don't know how to count.  Or maybe they don't know how to read.  Either way, some people go through the express checkout line when they have well over 10 items.  I'm not talking 12-15 items.  I'm talking 25-30 items.  It gets me ragin' mad because they're abusing the system.  I make sure I follow the system at all times.  I count the number of objects in my hands as I'm walking to the checkout line.  If I have more than 10, I go to a different line because that's what you're supposed to do.  But some people don't quite understand this and they buy 10 different pieces of fruit, several feminine hygiene products (just to make me feel awkward), and several items without price tags.  They invariably end up paying with a check (another way to make me hate you) or decide to attempt to learn how to use the credit card machine ("It says 'Cash or Credit'; what should I do?").  I think these people should be punished in one of several ways: 
1.  The offender is forced to replace the items removed from the shelves, at which point said offender is physically thrown out of the store and onto his/her butt. 

2.  All lights in the building are turned off, a spotlight is placed on the offender, and a voice calls out over the intercom, "Stupid alert!  Stupid alert!". 

3.  Green slime is poured from a container in the ceiling onto the offender's head, reminiscent of Nickelodeon's Double Dare
Ah, sweet revenge. #business