I get pretty annoyed when the cashier tells me to "Visit our website and use this code to enter a contest for your chance to win a prize".  First of all, I don't believe in democracy.  I don't think that the opinions of one skinny, irate, white male will have any effect on the policies of a multinational, multibillion dollar corporation.  Plus, I just used a credit card to buy a pack of gum.  You actually lost money on that transaction. 

Second, I don't like entering my personal information into websites unless I'm buying something or signing up for something significant.  Why should I tell you what my household income is?  Why do you ask to know my race yet give me the option of declining to answer?  Do you want to know or not? 

Third, I don't believe in sweepstakes, contests, or trying to win prizes.  I might be a little more willing to try them out if I heard of a single person who won anything.  I know a few people.  And not one of them has ever said, "Yeah so I entered that stupid contest on the bottom of my receipt and I won $5000."  I never hear any stories on the news or through important email forwards that say something about somebody's neighbor's cousin's step-daughter's boyfriend who won anything.  When I walk into the store, they don't say, "You should really do this feedback thing.  A guy from this store just won a bunch of money by going to our website.  I'm serious." 

Fourth (I thought I was done too), I might be a little more inclined to believe these stupid offers if they were at least somewhat reasonable.  A free Coke.  A $20 gift card.  A 5 second shopping spree in the pet goods aisle.  Instead, they offer $50,000, a brand new Ferrari, and a free trip to the International Space Station.  I mean come on.  What kind of company just gives stuff away for free because a person provided some useless, biased, self-centered, racist feedback. #business