I'm a Coke addict (Coca-Cola, that is).  Sometimes I crave it like a drug and can't wait to feel it rushing down my throat.  I'm not sure, but it might be a summertime thing.  There's just nothing quite like an ice-cold Coke on a hot day when you're feeling thirsty.  Pepsi isn't the same.  And Sprite is out of the question.  And of course, Coke in a can is infinitely better than Coke in a bottle (this is true for any soda).  By the time you're near the bottom of a 20-oz bottle of soda, it's all warm and flat.  Coke in restaurants is pretty good.  They keep it nice and cold, and the fact that it costs astronomically more than it should means you need to enjoy it all the more.  My Coke problem was nonexistent a few years ago.  Up until recently, I chose Pepsi over Coke because it tasted better.  Pepsi is a difficult drink to love because it's so hard to find.  Coke has such a huge monopoly in the restaurant business, it's almost impossible to get anything other than Coke.  Many years before that, I was big on Sprite.  I would order it at every restaurant and buy it at every store.  Now I can't touch the stuff.  I don't know what changed.  But now Coke is my thing.  I'm sure it's doing irreparable harm to my vital organs, but at least I'm not thirsty. #food