Volleyball is one of the most common sports played as a pick-up game.  Whether it's on the beach, at a BBQ, or during the 10am and 3pm breaks at work, volleyball can be easily played by people of all shapes and sizes, backgrounds, and levels of ability. 

However, volleyball is one of the most misunderstood sports on the planet.  Everybody knows the basic idea:  The team on one side of the net hits the ball to the team on the other side of the net.  But what amazes me is that a lot of people don't know much more than that (if that).  People don't understand why the ball goes in random directions when they fold their hands and hit it with their knuckles.  People don't know how to hit the ball if it comes at them above their waist.  People aren't able to hit the ball over the net on a serve.  People don't understand the idea of scoring and winning/losing the serve. 

I'm not saying that everybody should be awesome at volleyball.  Heck, I'm no virtuoso.  I'm just surprised that a majority of people still don't have a grasp on the sport they so readily enter into playing. #sports