The saying goes, "Hindsight is 20/20".  For a while now, I've disagreed with it.  How can you say that, if given the chance, you wouldn't do things the way you did them?  But then it came to me last night:  The saying is true for small things, but not for big things.  For example, I can think back to a few many moments in my past that I'd like to undo.  If I could go back in time and do things differently or not do them at all, I would definitely make use of that opportunity.  There was the time when I sort of flipped out when playing football recently; the time when I flipped out while playing golf a while ago; the time when I flipped out when I lost Mike in the middle of Bonnaroo (notice a pattern here?).  These kinds of things were small events.  They didn't have a big impact on the grand scheme of things, but they caused more problems than they helped.  So if I could redo certain small events in my life, these are the kinds of things that I would use my hindsight to redo. 

But then there are the big things.  There was the time I got arrested; the time I drank until I puked; the time I drank until I puked; the time I lied to my parents about a road trip and they found out.  These are mostly bad things, and I have my regrets about their respective outcomes.  But I can't honestly say that I would do things differently if I had the chance.  In reality, if I was in the same situation at the same point in my life, surrounded by the same people, and involved in the same circumstances, I would most likely make these mistakes over again.  Sure, I can say that these things were "mistakes" and "I should've known better", but I'd probably do them all over again.  So maybe hindsight is 20/20 in these cases too, but if I had the opportunity to redo or undo these things, I wouldn't. #psychology