I had to move my desk today at work.  It wasn't a terrible move, but I'm not very fond of moves in general.  Plus, I just moved to my previous location in August of 2005, so I hadn't been there very long.  It's kind of sad to leave my old desk.  I accumulated many memories there:  Sitting around, reading stuff, eating food, sending emails, trying not to throw up, etc.  I had things arranged the way I liked them, and I knew where I put everything.  Now I have to set everything up in a new environment with new people in a new, unbearably hot room.  Plus, I have a different computer, so I have to change everything around to the way I like it (which, by the way, is no small task; I spend a lot of time on the computer, so I like things a certain way.). 

I just got a new boss, and I knew the time would come when he would move everybody around.  That's what bosses do.  My previous boss said it's a good idea for people to move every 6 months so they don't accumulate too much junk.  He didn't follow this idea though, and that was good.  There's something about bosses that forces them to make people move.  It's like Milton in Office Space.  "We're gonna need your office to store some boxes."  Why?  Because someone arbitrarily decided it was a good idea.  Thanks arbitrary jerk boss. 

When I use the term "move my desk", I mean "move my stuff from one desk to another".  There's no actual desk-moving taking place.  And that's good because it's hard work.  I used to have to move desks at another job because I was "young and male".  The boss-guy rearranged things every few weeks, so I had some pretty rough summers.  What I hated was the fact that I actually had a purpose at that company, but that purpose was not to move desks.  It's good to work for a bigger company that has to worry about lawsuits and workman's comp. #business