WordPress 2.0 problem
It's been 10 days since I upgraded to WordPress 2.0.  Right away, I noticed a problem and changed things around.  The problem is that you can't have a page with the same slug as the category base.  In other words, you can't have a page slug of "category" if "/category/" is your category base.  This wasn't an issue in WP 1.5, and I even retested it to make sure.  Another similar problem is that you can't have a page with a slug of "search" if you have the Search Rewrite plugin enabled (changing "?s=searchterm" to "/search/searchterm").  Maybe these things aren't problems.  Maybe they're "features".  Who knows.  Either way, it screwed things up and forced me to change things. #technology

Rounded fieldset in Firefox (12)
Internet Explorer and Firefox interpret <fieldset> differently.  IE makes rounded corners; Firefox makes square ones.  I just randomly found out how to make Firefox display rounded corners:  Put -moz-border-radius: 7pt; in the style sheet (with the leading dash).  I didn't implement this on my site, but I verified that it works.  (via coldforged) #technology

When to buy
This CNN article talks about when the best time is to buy certain things, like airline tickets, electronics, houses, and cars.  (via Digg) #technology

Peeling bananas
Some people have evolved to the point of being like monkeys, who peel bananas from the side that doesn't have the stem.  Apparently, this is the way to do it.  The obvious advantage is that you're holding the stem in your hand while you're eating the banana.  I'll have to try this. #food

Catholic copyright
This is the kind of thing that I think gives Christianity a bad name:  The Vatican is copyrighting everything the Pope says, which means they'll also be charging money for it.  The copyright is also retroactive:  It applies to the past 3 Popes before the current one.  (via Boing Boing)

Even though I don't associate myself with the Catholic Church (Catholicism is in fact different from Christianity, though we can peacefully coexist), a lot of people do, and this is unfortunate.  Christianity is the belief in God and his son Jesus Christ, who acted as a sacrifice for our sins by dying on the cross.  Catholicism is the same thing, with the addition of a Pope (an infallible being sent from God ... or elected by a bunch of high-ranking Catholic officials), confirmation (mandatory membership in the church), and lent (the thing where everybody stops eating chocolate for a month). #religion