Dec 21, 2005
I wrote about this a while ago, but I figured I'd rehash my thoughts about the current NYC transit workers strike.
I think unions are stupid. The fact that millions of New Yorkers can't get to work because they can't depend on public transportation really burns me. It riles me. And the reason these people are on strike: "We want more money. We want nicer bathrooms. We want to work less and make more."
But instead of just complaining (though I'm quite good at that), I have a solution: Fire everyone. Fire the entire union. Put them all out on their butts on the street. Then hire a bunch of hard-working Mexicans (not meant to be racist) or other people who are willing to work. Some people actually want to work for the money they make. Let's employ them. And forbid them to form a union. So instead of promoting Communism (everybody gets the same thing), we'll promote Capitalism (everybody gets what they work for).
There. I said it. #business