I just heard a traffic report on the radio that said there's a 20-mile backup on the beautiful Garden State Parkway because of a stalled vehicle.  IN THE CENTER LANE.  I would hate to be that guy because I could just picture a bum-rush of people getting out of their cars to beat him unconscious.  And heck, if I was there, I'd be one of those people.  I'd feel bad if it was a woman (which, let's face it, it probably is) because what would that bum-rush of people do?  Yell?  They can't beat her up; that's not polite.  But if it's a guy, God help him. 

The real issue at stake is the fact that there's a guy dumb enough to stall in the middle lane of a 3- or 4-lane highway.  How is that even possible?  Maybe it was uphill and he lost speed so quickly that he didn't have enough time to get over to the side.  Maybe they used the word "stall" to really mean "massive explosion and chemical fire".  But even if either of these excuses were valid, it still doesn't change the fact that cars have wheels which enable them to be pushed.  Push the car, idiot. #travel