Am I the only one that thinks it's weird that the United States Postal Service is a government-sponsored entity?  Based on its history, I guess I can see why it was originally created to be that way.  Our country didn't really have roads or communication, so this helped that.  But these days, it just seems like a slight waste of money to fund a postal service.  But I realize that because it's subsidized by taxpayer dollars, it only costs $0.37 to mail a letter to anywhere in the country.  If it was a private company, it could cost more.  But anyway, what's really funny about the postal service is that they have a section on their website called Setting the Record Straight, where they address and respond to every criticism of the postal system.  They write letters to newspapers, magazines, and TV shows who have portrayed the postal service in an "inaccurate, misleading or false" way.  Watch out, they'll get ya. #psychology