What's the deal with the proverbial "This Page Intentionally Left Blank"?  What a waste of paper/space/brain cells.  Just the fact that the blank pages have that explanation makes them unblank by default.  Why are they blank to begin with?  Is it so hard for our confused little minds to comprehend when there's a change in subject that there needs to be an announcement?  How about this:  use different text.  Use headings.  Maybe an underline or a bold.  It's really quite simple.  It's been done before.  Did the Constitution have intentionally blank pages?  No.  They didn't waste the time and effort to create a blank page with that text on it.  They relied on a very complex numbering scheme.  There were main sections called "articles" and subsections called "sections".  It was really quite ingenious.  Try that, you big group of idiots that label their blank pages.  That goes for you too, Donald Merino, professor of Engineering Economics at Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, NJ. #entertainment